Saturday, September 27, 2008

Top News #5

John McCain to attend debate

In the article, John McCain to attend debate, found on the Mercury News website, the author Nedra Pickler from the Associated Press writes in repose to the action that Sen. John McCain wanted to postpone Friday’s first presidential debate, until Congress comes to agreement about the $700 billion dollar bailout. McCain will now be attending even though there has been no decision on the bailout. After Sen. Barack Obama questioned the multitasking skills of McCain others spoke on the how McCain wanted to seem above politics, in the article “Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a McCain supporter, said the Republican made a "huge mistake" by even discussing canceling the debate.” Where McCain interjects with wanting to take the politics aside and try to figure out the economic crisis at hand. Both senators met with President Bush and congressional leaders in Washington on Thursday where there were instances of shouting, placing the blame on Obama.

This article mainly shows the conflict between the two senators competing for the support of the United States. Both having different views and different ways of handling the issues that the U.S. is going to have to deal with or not deal with, showing that they should be the best man for the job. The way that McCain wanted to postpone the first presidential debate was very bizarre, as a potential president there should be a sense of urgency, however deadlines are deadlines. Obama took advantage of that situation and questioned the multitasking ability of McCain as well as others. McCain caved in and decided to not change the date of the debate because the American people want to hear what these potential presidents have to say about the state that our nation is in.

1 comment:

camccune said...

It's definitely about conflict, but other news values in this story include timeliness, impact and prominence.
